Research on the construction and simulation of distributed solar PV internet |
Cao Pengfei, Yang Jun, Rao Jiquan, Xing Dewen |
College of Computer Science and Engineering, Sanjiang University, Nanjing 210012 |
Abstract Distributed solar PV mainly serves the household and industrial plants. Essentially, each PV user is a small power station. Currently, grid-connected is widely used to complete unified deployment of power from the national grid. However, there is many issues, for example, it cannot real-time calculate the transmission route and the electricity deployment power transmission distance cannot be controlled, the transmission loss is high and so on. This paper proposes a scheme of the distributed solar PV Internet structure, focusing on the research and design of energy routers. The structure of distributed solar PV of internet realize the point-to-point energy transmission. By the use of cloud energy computing center, it can unify computing, intelligent scheduling and unify management, monitor, transmit, bill electricity energy and so on. It can also achieve interconnection, interoperability and sharing of the electricity and energy in a certain area.
Received: 28 December 2018
Published: 19 August 2019
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Cao Pengfei,Yang Jun,Rao Jiquan等. Research on the construction and simulation of distributed solar PV internet[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(8): 64-68.
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