The analysis of experimental simulation parameters of no load step based on the generator of PSD-BPA |
Shi Guixue |
Datang Hydropower Science & Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd, Nanning 530007 |
Abstract This thesis introduces the basic principles, experimental methods and eligibility criteria of generators no load step experiment, analyses and demonstrates the parameters involved in experiment and simulation, such as generator unit inertia time constant Tj, direct-axis transient open circuit time constant T'do, voltage regulator amplifier gain KA and regulator (PID) gain K, and puts forward problems to be considered in parameter acquisition and processing. By utilizing the PSD-BPA transient process and combining engineering projects, the thesis conducts simulation experiments of no load step experiment simulation parameters of generators under the different values, and makes a comparable analysis of waveform of simulation results, thus concludes the influence of each parameter on rise time, number of oscillations, accommodation time and overshot of simulation results.
Received: 05 March 2019
Published: 12 September 2019
Cite this article: |
Shi Guixue. The analysis of experimental simulation parameters of no load step based on the generator of PSD-BPA[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(9): 73-77.
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