Based on the protection of multi-source data of outdoor installation protection substation intellisense and diagnosis technology research |
Xu Xianghai1, Wu Jing1, Qin Bo1, Hou Weihong1, Han Minchou2 |
1. State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Power Supply Company, Hangzhou 310000; 2. Wuhan Kemov Electric Co., Ltd, Wuhan 430223 |
Abstract Based on outdoor installation protection of operational problems, combined with extensive development direction in the power of the Internet of things technology, research on the protection of substation intellisense and diagnostic technology, design a kind of integrated protection on-line monitoring and diagnosis, protection information substation, power system dynamic recording equipment and network message recording and analysis device protected as one of the outdoor installation protection perception and operational platform, and expounds in detail the system architecture of the platform, software framework, technical principle, important function. Platform through the multi-source data acquisition, and the data sharing between each module and system integration, implements the in situ protection intellisense and diagnosis, improve the efficiency and convenience of field operations work, for outdoor installation protection of the safe and stable operation is of great significance. The platform has been successfully in substation pilot application and achieved good results.
Received: 20 May 2019
Published: 19 December 2019
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Xu Xianghai,Wu Jing,Qin Bo等. Based on the protection of multi-source data of outdoor installation protection substation intellisense and diagnosis technology research[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(12): 60-68.
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