Research on intelligent detection of switch machine based on image processing technology |
Zhu Chencheng, Xu Yongneng |
Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094 |
Abstract In recent years, with the continuous expansion of the city scale, urban rail transit has developed rapidly and has become one of the main travel modes for people everyday. It is accompanied by the onerous overhaul work of the rail transit equipment, and how to use artificial intelligence technology to replace the manual inspection work has become the focus of attention. In this paper, the intelligent monitoring of the switch machine equipment in rail transit equipment has been focused, and the image processing technologies such as image segmentation, edge detection and morphology calculation have been introduced to detect the relative gap of the rod gap in the switch machine which can realize the accurate and effective monitoring of the rod gap. Furthermore, the intelligent alarm starts up timely, thereby improving the intelligence of the equipment and ensuring the safe operation of the rail transit equipment.
Received: 31 August 2019
Published: 08 January 2020
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Zhu Chencheng,Xu Yongneng. Research on intelligent detection of switch machine based on image processing technology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(ZK1): 53-56.
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