Research on unbalance protection scheme of ultra high voltage converter station earthed electrode system based on small and large range |
Wang Yongsheng, Li Xinyu, Jia Xuantao, Chen Jianfei, Xue Xinxin |
State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co., Ltd, Overhaul Branch, Hangzhou 310000 |
Abstract Aiming to current transverse difference protection for grounding electrode system of ultra high voltage (UHV) converter station exists the shortage of cannot protect the whole range of the line and cannot identify the type of fault,this paper analyzes the operation principle of grounding pole unbalance protection,and provides an improved scheme of optical fiber longitudinal differential unbalance protection. Which combines the characteristics of full-line fast-moving of longitudinal differential protection and the advantages of large capacity and long transmission distance of optical fiber communication. The improved protection scheme uses differential relays based on large and small range characteristics, the large-scale is used for protection and small-range for monitoring. It improves the sensitivity and reliability of unbalance protection and ensures the safe and stable operation of the DC system.
Received: 07 April 2019
Published: 18 January 2020
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Wang Yongsheng,Li Xinyu,Jia Xuantao等. Research on unbalance protection scheme of ultra high voltage converter station earthed electrode system based on small and large range[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(1): 102-109.
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