Application and analysis of voltage-injection stator ground protection for large-sized generator |
Kang Yiqun1, Song Mengqiong2 |
1. State Grid Hubei Electric Science and Research Institute, Wuhan 430077; 2. State Grid Hubei Technology Training Center, Wuhan 430071 |
Abstract Large-sized generators widely applicate voltage-injection stator ground protection, set values are related with system parameters, therefore reducing errors to ensure correctness of device measurement and action by measuring system parameters and values setting test. In this paper, summarizing the principle and structure, parameters influence and field test methods of PCS-985G voltage-injection stator ground protection, and setting stator grounding tests in 2 conditions. Measurement data of device and results of stator grounding tests improve rationality of values setting and correctness of protection device action, providing reference for application of voltage-injection stator ground protection.
Received: 12 June 2019
Published: 18 January 2020
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Kang Yiqun,Song Mengqiong. Application and analysis of voltage-injection stator ground protection for large-sized generator[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(1): 129-132.
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