Research and design of information security protection system for rail transit network |
Chen Chaoqun1, Chen Bo1, Liu Buqi1, Guo Yang2 |
1. CRRC Zhuzhou Institute Co., Ltd, Zhuzhou, Hu’nan 412005; 2. Beijing WINICSSEC Technologies Co., Ltd, Beijing 100000 |
Abstract With the increasing demand for data sharing and large-capacity data communication in rail transit vehicular network system, the high-speed interconnection of various subsystems and the gradual opening of the network, together with the emergence of new viruses (such as “seismic network virus”) and new attacks (such as APT attacks) against industrial control systems in recent years, so vehicular networks are facing increasing challenges of the network information security. This paper mainly studies and designs the information security protection system of rail transit vehicle network, introduces the basic design idea and key technology of this system, and combines the characteristics of rail transit vehicle network, constructs a comprehensive security protection system of deep vehicle network from five directions: subarea, external isolation, internal certification, internal and external auditing, supervision and perception. To provide safety services for train development in the future.
Received: 22 August 2019
Published: 27 February 2020
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Chen Chaoqun,Chen Bo,Liu Buqi等. Research and design of information security protection system for rail transit network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(2): 50-55.
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