Research on multi-mode control of energy regenerative feedback of regenerative braking in metro |
Huo Lijie, Yang Yicheng, Sun Ting, Liu Chunsong, Ding Mingjin |
Guodian Nanjing Automation Co., Ltd, Nangjing 210032 |
Abstract The regenerative feedback mode of the regenerative braking energy of the subway has good energy saving effect and small investment, and has been applied more and more engineering applications. The conventional energy-feeding schemes are compared and analyzed. A braking energy dispersion feedback scheme of asymmetric double-series series structure is proposed. The energy flow direction, converter loss and system conversion loss of the scheme are compared and analyzed. The proposed scheme has obvious advantages over the conventional scheme cost and conversion efficiency. At the same time, according to the particularity of the grid-connected node, the operating scenario of the energy-supplied inverter of the scheme is explored. It can work in the energy-feeding mode, the line dispersion reactive power compensation mode, the 0.4kV side local load harmonic compensation mode and Various mixed operating modes. And the control requirements of various operating modes are combined to give the overall control strategy of the system. The control strategy of this paper is simulated by Matlab/Simulink simulation software, which verifies the feasibility of the proposed scheme.
Received: 19 September 2019
Published: 20 March 2020
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Huo Lijie,Yang Yicheng,Sun Ting等. Research on multi-mode control of energy regenerative feedback of regenerative braking in metro[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(3): 37-43.
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