Research on optimal configuration of microgrid under life cycle frame-work |
Dong Chen, Xia Yanhui, Sun Dan |
Nanjing SAC Power Grid Automation Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211153 |
Abstract Based on the whole life cycle theory, the optimal configuration model of the microgrid project under the life cycle framework is proposed. A calculation model of NPV income in the whole life cycle of microgrid is established, with the initial investment, operational maintenance and failure, depreciation cost, energy supply, energy saving and environmental benefits of the microgrid taken into account. The net present value income in the whole life cycle is taken as the objective function, and the optimal configuration model is built up with the constraints of distributed power supply, energy storage and discharge, operating voltage and frequency, power supply reliability, and the switching power of the main network. The particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to solve the problem, the results show that compared with the traditional optimal allocation method, the optimized configuration scheme obtained by this method can achieve the best net income in the life cycle of the microgrid and ensure the best econ-omy of investment. It will provide guidance for the construction of microgrid project, and promote the marketization and industrialization of the microgrid.
Received: 10 August 2019
Published: 20 March 2020
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Dong Chen,Xia Yanhui,Sun Dan. Research on optimal configuration of microgrid under life cycle frame-work[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(3): 59-63.
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