Current branch vector measurement and research of large grounding grid based on satellite clock signal |
Lin Yangpo |
Red Phase INC., Xiamen, Fujian 361008 |
Abstract In view of large grounding grid grounding impedance correction test only by measuring the amplitude value of grounding current branch at previous, and then simple addition or subtraction but not to measure the phase shift. This will cause the grounding impedance correction error problem. This article researched and proposes a method, which using the satellite clock signal as the synchronous reference for the current branch vector test, and also develops an earth test system. This system can measure the current branch vector of the large grounding grids, and can be effectively used for grounding impedance correction.
Received: 29 September 2019
Published: 20 March 2020
Cite this article: |
Lin Yangpo. Current branch vector measurement and research of large grounding grid based on satellite clock signal[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(3): 117-120.
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