Analysis and treatment of abnormal grounding current of transformer core |
Jin Pengchao, Wang Li'nan |
China Datang Group Science and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd, Huazhong Electric Power Research Institute, Zhengzhou 450000 |
Abstract In this paper, the external causes, internal causes and special causes of the abnormality of the grounding current of the power transformer core are analyzed. The grounding current test, chromatographic analysis and insulation resistance are used to analyze and discriminate the abnormal causes for three types of reasons. The current limiting resistor is used. The capacitor current, the electric welder, and the hood inspection method process the abnormal current. The fault is located by the insulation damage of the down conductor, the metal foreign object overlap, the capacitance impact method, and the actual case analysis of the fault current is limited by the current limiting resistor method. Ensure the normal operation of the transformer. Suggestions are put forward, which have important reference significance for the operation and maintenance of transformer core grounding current.
Received: 29 August 2019
Published: 20 March 2020
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