Installation mode and control circuit design of auxiliary fan for switchgear |
Dang Limin, Dong Lifeng, Zhang Wenzhong |
XD Baoji Electric Co., Ltd, Baoji, Shaanxi 721306 |
Abstract Temperature rise of switchgear is an important index to test the performance of switchgear. Control of temperature rise is a reliable guarantee to ensure the safe operation of switchgear. Therefore, reasonable installation and control of fan cooling for switchgear is a direct and effective important measure. This thesis aims at the analysis of reasons and locations of equipment temperature rise, and reasonable install fan. For reasons of temperature-rising, various control fan schemes are designed, which improves performance of fan control and also effectively solves issues of temperature rise. In addition, it prevents accident to ensure reliability and safety of power equipment operation.
Received: 06 September 2019
Published: 16 April 2020
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Dang Limin,Dong Lifeng,Zhang Wenzhong. Installation mode and control circuit design of auxiliary fan for switchgear[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(4): 108-112.
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