Comparative study on short-circuit current calculation of Jingtang 18 roller project |
Hou Benshuai, Zhou Jun, Liu Zuokun |
Beijing Shougang International Engineering Technology Co., Ltd, Beijing 100043 |
Abstract In order to reduce the impact of short-circuit faults on electrical equipment, two methods are used to calculate the short-circuit current of the power supply and distribution system of 18-roll project, and compares the two calculation methods in this paper. It provides a reliable theoretical basis for the subsequent design of the project, and also provides a strong guarantee for the safe and stable operation of the power supply and distribution system.
Received: 01 November 2019
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Hou Benshuai,Zhou Jun,Liu Zuokun. Comparative study on short-circuit current calculation of Jingtang 18 roller project[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(5): 48-54.
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