Study on the influence of selection of ground electrodes for convertor station on the surrounding oil pipeline |
Chen Jin, Chen Bin, Zhou Bing |
CEEC Jiangsu Power Design Institute Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract This paper established the analysis and calculation model of ground electrodes to oil pipeline. The interference of ground electrodes in DC system monopole and bipolar to the surrounding oil pipeline was specified, through calculating the positive deviation potential of the pipe-to soil potential from self-potential and soil potential gradient at any point on the pipe. The measures to be taken for the oil pipelines around different polar sites were obtained through the comparative analysis of different polar sites. Consequently, the basis were provided for the selection of ground electrodes.
Received: 29 October 2019
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Chen Jin,Chen Bin,Zhou Bing. Study on the influence of selection of ground electrodes for convertor station on the surrounding oil pipeline[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(5): 63-67.
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