Cause analysis and countermeasures for UdM collection abnormal in Ximeng-Taizhou UHVDC project B station |
Guo Hufeng, Zhang Wuyue, Liu Xiao, Lan Lan |
He’nan Jiaotong Vocational and Technical College, Zhengzhou 450000 |
Abstract This paper describes the abnormal oscillation of the UdM (midpoint divider in series valve group) voltage acquisition during the commissioning period of the XiMeng-TaiZhou UHVDC transmission project B station. According to the actual application and hardware configuration of the project, the problem is analyzed by tracing the data acquisition link. The main reason is that the valve group measurement layer is sampled at multiple frequencies, resulting in the signal aliasing phenomenon. In view of the problem, three strategies and concrete implementation methods are proposed, and the method of adding filter before sampling in the valve set is chosen in combination with the actual situation of the project. Filter using IIR digital filter, implement filter algorithm inside FPGA. After the implementation of the method, a large number of engineering tests were carried out, the UdM acquisition anomaly was effectively solved and the engineering operation was stable.
Received: 19 November 2019
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Guo Hufeng,Zhang Wuyue,Liu Xiao等. Cause analysis and countermeasures for UdM collection abnormal in Ximeng-Taizhou UHVDC project B station[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(6): 73-77.
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