Power allocation of hybrid energy storage system with standby system based on wavelet decomposition |
Zheng Xidong, Jiang Xiubo |
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108 |
Abstract Initial power allocation is based on adaptive wavelet packet decomposition to suppress wind power fluctuations. In this paper, a battery-ultracapacitor hybrid energy storage system with a standby system is proposed. According to the fluctuation of the actual wind power output, the wind power output is decomposed and reconstructed by an adaptive wavelet packet decomposition method, the optimal number of adaptive wavelet decomposition layers is obtained. Aiming at the N energy storage system model composed of storage battery and super capacitor, a spare system is added to form a system containing “N+1” energy storage, it can reduce the frequent charge and discharge of the battery and improve the absorption of high frequency power by the super capacitor. In the case study, the super capacitor reduces the absorption of large amplitude power, and the standby system takes up the power absorption of the boundary layer. The “N+1” energy storage system can realize the reasonable distribution of power and increase the service life of the components.
Received: 13 February 2020
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Zheng Xidong,Jiang Xiubo. Power allocation of hybrid energy storage system with standby system based on wavelet decomposition[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(7): 30-34.
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