Implementation and application of equipment supervision management platform based on mobile internet |
Wen Weibing1, Shi Yan1, Li Ming1, Wang Zan1, Yan Jing2 |
1. State Grid Economic and Technological Research Institute Co., Ltd, Beijing 102209; 2. Beijing North-Star Digital Remote Sensing Technology Co., Ltd, Beijing 100120 |
Abstract The supervision of UHV main equipment is an important process to control the quality of equipment. The personnel management and equipment supervision work management is the key work of equipment supervision management in the worksite. In the current supervision of the main equipment of UHV power transmission project, there are some problems, such as the delay in the submission of the work content of the resident group, the difficulty in tracing the failure problems in the supervision process, and the difficulty in sharing the supervision experience. In recent years, with the development of mobile internet technology, its application in real-time reporting of power information and resource sharing is increasing. This study proposes to build a management platform for equipment manufacturing supervision, and use mobile internet and other technologies to conduct unified information management for attendance, manufacturing supervision workflow, equipment account, typical quality problems, etc., so as to promote standardization of manufacturing supervision workflow and sharing of manufacturing supervision experience across manufacturers and projects.
Received: 29 November 2019
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Wen Weibing,Shi Yan,Li Ming等. Implementation and application of equipment supervision management platform based on mobile internet[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(7): 64-68.
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