Simulation test on the characteristics of predischarge for tree fault under transmission line |
Zeng Huarong, Yang Qi, Ma Xiaohong, Zhang Lusong, Luo Guoqiang |
Electric Power Research Institute of Guizhou Power Grid Co., Ltd, Guiyang 550002 |
Abstract As an important part of power system, the safe operation of transmission line is directly related to the reliability of power supply. In the actual operation process, these trees have a great potential threaten to transmission line in the transmission line corridor: these growing trees cause the transmission line flashover and trip accident. How to find, deal with and prevent tree fault in time and ensure the power supply security has become the focus of maintainers. Therefore, a simulation test platform for predischarge of tree fault is built and the characteristic parameters of tree fault predischarge process in different stages is studied, which provides data reference for the construction of transmission line fault database to realize intelligent identification.
Received: 17 January 2020
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Zeng Huarong,Yang Qi,Ma Xiaohong等. Simulation test on the characteristics of predischarge for tree fault under transmission line[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(8): 93-97.
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