Application of distribution internet of things in precise command of single-phase ground fault emergency repair |
Chen Zhihua, Zhang Bo |
State Grid Jinhua Power Supply Company, Jinhua, Zhejiang 321000 |
Abstract As China’s power grid development enters a new era, with more and more distribution network equipment points, longer lines, and wider coverage, in such a large environment, single-phase ground faults in distribution networks still rely solely on power supply. Trouble-shooting through the traditional method of on-site line inspection is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it is not conducive to improving the reliability of power supply. In the context of the accelerated construction of intelligent distribution networks and internet of things, this paper fully implements modern information technologies such as power distribution automation, large data and cloud computing to achieve comprehensive perception of distribution network fault information and flexible coordination of applications between systems; and sorted out the new precise command mode for single-phase ground faults in distribution networks, so that when a single-phase fault occurs in the distribution network, the professional teams can efficiently cooperate with each other to comprehensively carry out active fault investigation and determination, accurately locate the fault point, and greatly reduce the length of fault isolation. Effectively reduce the number of households in the event of a power outage, further improve the reliability of power supply, and promote the distribution network fault repair command from the traditional “experience-driven” to “data-driven”.
Received: 31 January 2020
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Chen Zhihua,Zhang Bo. Application of distribution internet of things in precise command of single-phase ground fault emergency repair[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(9): 70-76.
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