The comprehensive application of partial discharge online detection of gas insulated switchgear |
Liu Caiming |
Red Phase INC, Xiamen, Fujian 361001 |
Abstract The on-line detection of partial discharge in gas insulated switchgear (GIS) has been used in field for many years, which proves that it can provide important detection technology support for GIS insulation fault. According to the statistics of State Grid GIS faults in recent ten years, it is found that insulation faults still account for the largest proportion. This paper also summarizes the current application status of GIS partial discharge on-line detection from three directions: daily application, laboratory research, and online monitoring application. Four typical discharge types are simulated by Hangzhou Xihu Electronic Institute GIS simulation test platform to test and compare with ultra high frequency (UHF) and ultrasonic detection. An abnormal GIS sound found in the field is introduced. Finally, the paper summarizes the field application of the on-line detection of partial discharge in GIS and prospects the future development direction.
Received: 18 March 2020
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Liu Caiming. The comprehensive application of partial discharge online detection of gas insulated switchgear[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(10): 117-122.
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