Study on load characteristics of ozone generator in parallel compensation inductance |
Zhang Zefeng, Liu Zhongyang |
Dalian University of Technology School of Electrical Engineering,Dalian,Liaoning 116024 |
Abstract The equivalent load model of the parallel compensation inductance of a high-power ozone generator is established, and the design requirements of compensation inductance are obtained through theoretical analysis. And through simulation analysis: the addition of compensation reactors, on the one hand, improve the dynamic performance parameters of the load model; on the other hand, the load resonance frequency increases, the load voltage decreases, and as the compensation inductance value increases, the load resonance The frequency decreases and the load voltage increases. Through experimental discussion, it is further verified that the addition of compensation inductance reduces the output capacity of the transformer, increases the discharge power of the load, and improves the power factor.
Received: 22 April 2020
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Zhang Zefeng,Liu Zhongyang. Study on load characteristics of ozone generator in parallel compensation inductance[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(11): 19-24.
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