Research on electricity sales forecast of substation based on combined model |
Liu Cheng, Chen Guangyu, Zhang Yangfei |
School of Electric Power Engineering,Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211167 |
Abstract Due to the cross-effects of various factors, the electricity sales of distribution substations have irregular fluctuations in their time series, and it is difficult to directly predict their satisfactory results. In this paper, a method for forecasting the electricity sales of distribution stations based on a combined model is proposed. First, variational mode decomposition (VMD) is used to decompose the time series of electricity sales of distribution stations into low-frequency modes and high-frequency modes to reduce time series Non-stationarity; secondly, the Prophet time series prediction model and gated recurrent unit (GRU) neural network are used to predict each mode; finally, the prediction results of high-frequency and low-frequency modes are summed and reconstructed To get the forecast result of the electricity sales amount of the substation. The simulation example selects the daily electricity sales data of a power distribution station in the east of China in recent years for verification. The results show that the proposed method has better accuracy than the traditional prediction method.
Received: 08 May 2020
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Liu Cheng,Chen Guangyu,Zhang Yangfei. Research on electricity sales forecast of substation based on combined model[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(11): 25-31.
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