Research on high voltage crossing technology of wind turbine and field measurement |
Zhu Hongyi, Shen Weicheng, Dong Kaisong, Ma Xiping |
State Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institute,Lanzhou 730070 |
Abstract With the rapid development of UHV transmission technology in China, many UHVDC transmission projects have been completed and put into operation, and their safety, stability and operation are facing greater challenges, especially the high-voltage withstand capacity of new energy units in the near area of UHVDC transmission has become the focus of attention. In view of this problem, this paper summarizes the high voltage ride through technology of wind turbine through examples, and verifies that the tested unit has the high voltage ride through capability through field measurement, which has a profound impact on the fault voltage ride through capability technology of wind turbine in China.
Received: 23 April 2020
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Zhu Hongyi,Shen Weicheng,Dong Kaisong等. Research on high voltage crossing technology of wind turbine and field measurement[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(11): 46-49.
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