Research on temperature rise of medium voltage switchgear |
Wang Junwei, Deng Xiaoyu, Sun Pengcheng |
XJ Electric Co., Ltd, Xuchang, He’nan 461000 |
Abstract In view of the problems existing in KYN28A-12/4000 switchgear, such as the large number of fans, the large total power, the temperature rise index can only meet the requirements of the National Standard and the small margin, etc., it is analyzed that the weakness of the temperature rise of the cabinet mainly lies in the connection between the contact arm and the fixed pole column and the inside of the contact box. Two improvement measures are put forward through trial production and experimental verification. The results show that the optimal design of 4000A hand truck circuit breaker using spring touch, open contact box and integrated static contact can effectively reduce the meshing force between the dynamic contact and static contact, and reduce the problem of hill climbing, and the temperature rise test can also meet the requirements.
Received: 05 June 2020
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