Factor analysis of transformer winding deformation based on magnetic-structure field coupling |
DU Guoan, XU Yuzhen, LAN Sheng, CHEN Jie, LIN Ye |
School of Electrical and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108 |
Abstract Under the effect of short-circuit electrodynamic shock, the transformer winding is affected by multiple factors, and the deformation of the winding changes significantly. In this paper, the finite element simulation method of magnetic-structure field coupling is used to establish a three-dimensional model of the transformer. The Ansys Maxwell is used to calculate the short-circuit electrodynamic body density distribution of the winding. The sequential coupling method is used to couple the electrodynamic body density to the structure in Ansys Workbench. Field, the statics analysis of the winding; the relevant theory is used to analyze the influence of temperature, preload and other changes on the deformation of the winding. The results show that both temperature and pre-tightening force can affect the strength of the winding. Temperature has a greater influence on the radial deformation of the winding, and the pre-tightening force has a more significant influence on the axial deformation of the winding. In the area with a large electromagnetic force distribution, the two effects are significantly increased. The research results have certain reference significance for the transformer short circuit design.
Received: 30 June 2020
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DU Guoan,XU Yuzhen,LAN Sheng等. Factor analysis of transformer winding deformation based on magnetic-structure field coupling[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(1): 1-7.
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