Characteristic analysis of linear load leakage current in low voltage power grid |
XU Guanwei, ZHENG Rongjin, DENG Mingzai |
Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou 350118 |
Abstract This paper aims at the problem of leakage current in low voltage power network, the types and detection methods of leakage current are summarized, the types of equivalent load of leakage current fault are studied, and the equivalent circuit model of linear load is established. Aiming at the low voltage network of TT grounding system, the model is established in power systems computer aided design simulation software, and the leakage current model which may exist in TT grounding system is added to the power grid. At the same time, the equivalent load circuit model is also connected to the power grid, and the simulation analysis of grounding fault leakage current is carried out. The feasibility of the model is proved, and the corresponding conclusions are obtained, which can provide theoretical basis for leakage current fault detection and location.
Received: 30 June 2020
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XU Guanwei,ZHENG Rongjin,DENG Mingzai. Characteristic analysis of linear load leakage current in low voltage power grid[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(1): 29-34.
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