Analysis and research on electromagnetic induction power-tapping of AC overhead transmission line |
HOU JianJun1, ZUO ZhongYin1, GE HongYu2 |
1. 63658 Troops of PLA, Urumqi 841700; 2. 63712 Troops of PLA, Xinzhou, Shanxi 036300 |
Abstract This paper discusses several ways and principles of on-line electromagnetic induction power-tapping of AC overhead lines, and focuses on the analysis of electromagnetic induction power-tapping technology of conductor. The physical and circuit model is established based on the principle of electromagnetic induction power-tapping. After analyzing the factors that affect the energy-tapping, the maximum power estimation of this method under the specific energy-tapping conditions is carried out, and the factors that affect the energy-tapping power are analyzed, which provides a reference for the application of the electromagnetic induction power-tapping technology.
Received: 30 June 2020
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HOU JianJun,ZUO ZhongYin,GE HongYu. Analysis and research on electromagnetic induction power-tapping of AC overhead transmission line[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(1): 53-57.
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