Influence analysis of energy storage on the stability for exciting system of thermal power plant |
ZHU Jianhua1, ZHAO Qi2, XU Lichang1, FENG Bin2, JIAO Chunlei2 |
1. Rundian Energy Science and Technology Co., Ltd, Zhengzhou 450000; 2. Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd, Urumqi 830011 |
Abstract Aiming at the problems caused by the adjustment coefficient, amplitude-frequency characteristics and damping characteristics of the excitation system of the power plant after the energy storage was currently connected to the power plant. Therefore, the effects of connecting energy storage to the power plant on the stability of the utility power and the excitation system were studied. First, a single-machine infinite-bus model of a power plant considering the impact of energy storage was established, and the theoretical relationship between the energy storage coefficient of adjustment, uncompensated phase characteristics, and damping characteristics was derived. Based on this, the impact of different energy storage outputs on the three was analyzed. The simulation results show that after the energy storage was connected to the power plant, it will have a certain impact on the adjustment coefficient, damping characteristics, and uncompensated characteristics of the excitation system. After the energy storage is connected to the power plant, the safety assessment of the above three needs to be performed.
Received: 07 May 2020
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ZHU Jianhua,ZHAO Qi,XU Lichang等. Influence analysis of energy storage on the stability for exciting system of thermal power plant[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(1): 85-89.
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