Correction of photon number at different detection distances based on ultraviolet imaging detection technology |
TIAN Dikai, LUO Richeng, ZHANG Yufei, XIAO Hongfeng |
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Changsha University of Science &Technology, Changsha 410114 |
Abstract As an emerging detection technology, ultraviolet imaging detection technology has gradually been widely used in the inspection of transmission and transformation equipment. In view of the characteristic relationship between the number of photons and the detection distance, even the same corona discharge phenomenon is detected at different detection distances and detected the number of photons is also different. To study the characteristic relationship between the number of photons and the detection distance and correct the number of photons detected at different detection distances to the number of photons at the optimal detection distance, in order to quantify the degree of discharge at different detection distances. Using the advanced discharge model as the experimental object to simulate the external insulation discharge phenomenon of power transmission and transformation equipment, the Super B type ultraviolet imaging detector produced by the Israeli OFIL company was used to study the change characteristics of the photon number with the detection distance under different power frequency voltages. The experimental results show that: as the detection distance increases, the number of photons continues to decrease; the larger the detection distance, the slower the rate of decrease in the number of photons; the characteristic curve of the photon number changing with the detection distance generally shows a power function trend, power exponent between -1.681 and -1.626. On this basis, an appropriate power function model is established according to the experimental data, the correction formula for the photon number detection distance is fitted, and the correction formula is verified. The verification result shows that the correction precision of the correction formula is high and can be practical engineering inspection provides an important reference basis.
Received: 20 July 2020
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TIAN Dikai,LUO Richeng,ZHANG Yufei等. Correction of photon number at different detection distances based on ultraviolet imaging detection technology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(2): 30-35.
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