Application potential analysis of decommissioned power batteries |
LIU Ruotong1, LI Jianlin1, LÜ Zhe2, MA Suliang1 |
1. Energy Storage Technology Engineering Research Center, North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144; 2. Beijing Hyperstrong Co., Ltd, Beijing 100080 |
Abstract Under the guidance and promotion of national policies, China's new energy vehicle industry has developed rapidly, and the treatment and application of retired power batteries have been put on the agenda. The echelon utilization of power batteries can not only alleviate the battery recovery pressure and environmental pollution problems caused by the decommissioning of a large number of power batteries, but also can be applied in various energy storage scenarios to maximize the utilization of battery value and resources, and effectively reduce the cost of electric vehicle and the cost of power system energy storage projects. Referring to related experimental research, this paper looks at the electric car market environment and retired power battery pilot application. Through analyzing different application scenarios and economic cost of the retired power batteries, the potential and development prospects of retired power batteries is illustrated and its advantage and application economy is showed. Studies have shown that as the number of retired power battery explodes, retired battery applied to grid energy storage, communication base stations is with huge potential, which can realize the optimization of resources allocation, ensure the power supply reliability and stability of power system and improve the grid security. Compared with direct recycling, the economic cost advantage of echelon utilization of retired batteries is more significant. At last, the application process of ladder energy storage is summarized and prospected, which provides ideas for the expansion of industrial scale of decommissioned battery recycling.
Received: 28 January 2021
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