Simulation and application of three-level active power filter in voltage source load system |
ZHANG Ming, YUAN Yue |
Xi'an Xichi Electric Co., Ltd, Xi'an 710075 |
Abstract In order to solve the problem of harmonic amplification when active power filter is used in voltage source load system, a method of adding input reactance to the input side of voltage source load is proposed. Combined with the practical application system of a chemical plant, the influence of increasing input reactance on harmonic amplification coefficient is analyzed theoretically; then the application simulation model of three-level active power filter in the system is built with the help of PSIM simulation software, and the harmonic amplification coefficient under different inductance is simulated respectively. Finally, the optimal input reactance parameters are determined according to the actual situation, which can effectively suppress the harmonic amplification phenomenon and realize the reasonable application of three-level active power filter in the voltage source load system.
Received: 23 January 2021
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ZHANG Ming,YUAN Yue. Simulation and application of three-level active power filter in voltage source load system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(8): 29-33.
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