Analysis on discharged fault of basin-type insulator in 500kV gas insulated switchgear |
ZHANG Xingyu, ZHANG Xiaoming, ZUO Xiujiang, DAI Yuwei, CHEN Yaqi |
State Grid East Inner Mongolia Electric Power Research Institute, Hohhot 010020 |
Abstract In this paper, the disintegration of the 500kV gas insulated switchgear (GIS) basin-type insulator that is discharged during the restoring power supply process of a ±800kV converter station is introduced. The relay protection action is analyzed, and the results of delivery test are traced in this paper. Though analyzing the simulation results of electric field of the basin-type insulator, cause of the discharged fault is obtained.
Received: 25 November 2020
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ZHANG Xingyu,ZHANG Xiaoming,ZUO Xiujiang等. Analysis on discharged fault of basin-type insulator in 500kV gas insulated switchgear[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(8): 48-54.
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