Research on fuzzy-PID governor controlling diesel generator under pulsed load |
ZHAO Zhikui1, XU Ye1, HUANG Kefeng1, LI Xinpeng2 |
1. Defence Engineering College, PLA Army Engineering University, Nanjing 210007; 2. The 95928 Unit of PLA, Linyi, Shandong 276216 |
Abstract In order to solve the power quality problems of diesel generator controlled by the conventional PID speed control system under pulsed load conditions, such as serious voltage waveform distortion and severe frequency fluctuations, by referring to the advantages of fuzzy control in nonlinear control, a method of using fuzzy-PID governor for controlling the speed governing system is proposed to improve the power quality of diesel generator. The fuzzy-PID control principle is analyzed. A simulation model of diesel generator with pulsed load in Matlab/Simulink is built, and comparative simulation experiments for the two speed control systems are conducted. The simulation results show that the fuzzy-PID speed control system has better real-time adjustment performance than the conventional PID speed control system under pulsed load conditions, and can better improve the power quality of the system.
Received: 31 December 2020
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ZHAO Zhikui,XU Ye,HUANG Kefeng等. Research on fuzzy-PID governor controlling diesel generator under pulsed load[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(9): 1-6.
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