Automatic point to point debugging system based on telecontrol communication of smart substation |
WANG Tianle1, LI Yongguang2, NAN Dongliang1, LIU Ran2, HAN Wei3 |
1. State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Research Institute, Urumqi 830011; 2. Xinjiang Electric Power Dispatching and Communication Center, Urumqi 830011; 3. State Grid He'nan Electric Power Research Institute, Zhengzhou 450052 |
Abstract Based on the framework of telecontrol communication, this paper adopts the idea of modularization, taking four remotes, graphic and alarm information as objects, and divides the functions of the substation simulation experiment platform and dispatching master station platform into different modules, which can intuitively reflect the logic of automatic point to point behavior. Each module is developed independently and does not interfere with each other. It can be used for reference between each other, which can greatly reduce the difficulty of development. For the check algorithm, this paper adopts the cyclic redundancy check (CRC), which is slightly more complicated than the checksum method, but with higher accuracy. As a result, a set of smart substation telecontrol and fast automatic point to point system is constructed to ensure the reliable operation of smart substations.
Received: 01 February 2021
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WANG Tianle,LI Yongguang,NAN Dongliang等. Automatic point to point debugging system based on telecontrol communication of smart substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(9): 41-45.
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