Optimization method of unbalanced treatment measures based on multi-index decision-making |
FAN Ruixiang1, DENG Caibo1, ZHAO Ruolan2, AN Yi1, ZHOU Qiukuan1 |
1. State Grid Jiangxi Electric Power Research Institute, Nanchang 330096; 2. School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410004 |
Abstract Aiming at the problem that the current selection of three-phase unbalance control measures is too empirical, resulting in the poor control effect and economy, this paper proposes a multi-index decision-making based optimization method for unbalanced control measures in substation area. Firstly, the characteristics of the platform area suitable for various control measures are analyzed. Then, by extracting the unbalance events to construct the unbalance data set, the three-phase current standard deviation, the three-phase current standard deviation and the change point are proposed to optimize the three-phase unbalance treatment devices of manual commutation, commutation switch and active compensation. Finally, the data of an actual station area in Jiangxi Province are selected for example analysis. The simulation results show that the proposed optimization method is effective and accurate, which has a certain reference significance for the development of three-phase imbalance treatment work.
Received: 10 May 2021
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FAN Ruixiang,DENG Caibo,ZHAO Ruolan等. Optimization method of unbalanced treatment measures based on multi-index decision-making[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(11): 12-19.
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