Research on moisture content of gas insulated switchgear under the influence of installation environment temperature and humidity |
ZHANG Shaoqian1, BIAN Hongzhi2, ZHANG Jianxun2, HUANG Yanwei1 |
1. College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108; 2. Construction Branch of State Grid Fujian Electric Power Co., Ltd, Fuzhou 350013 |
Abstract Aiming at the problem that gas insulated switchgear (GIS) is affected by environmental temperature and humidity during installation, which leads to high residual moisture content of gas chamber after installation and needs to be re-installed, a calculation method of residual moisture content of GIS gas chamber considering installation environmental factors is proposed. Firstly, the GIS installation process is formulated. Secondly, the total moisture component of the gas chamber after sealing is calculated. Finally, the moisture content of the balanced SF6 is calculated according to the installation process. The simulation and experimental results show that the moisture content of SF6 in the gas chamber increases with the increase of installation environment temperature and relative humidity. The calculated value is in good agreement with the experimental value with the increase of installation environment temperature and humidity, and the relative error is less than 15%. It can better predict the change of GIS residual moisture content under the influence of installation environment temperature and humidity, which is conducive to the selection of suitable installation environment in engineering.
Received: 13 July 2021
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ZHANG Shaoqian,BIAN Hongzhi,ZHANG Jianxun等. Research on moisture content of gas insulated switchgear under the influence of installation environment temperature and humidity[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(1): 15-20.
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