A closing method for inverter power transfer device |
LI Jie, LI Huakui |
Wiscom System Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211100 |
Abstract Inverter-driven motors are widely used in industrial power system. When inverter fails, motors must be transferred to standby power. Currently, residual voltage closing method is often used to implement power transfer. However, in practical operation, this method often produces large impulse current which makes motor’s instantaneous protection act, because the inverter initial frequency is very low and this method ignores phase difference. This paper develops a new delayed in-phase closing method that is suitable for inverter power transfer device. This method can implement transfer in the frequency range of 20~50Hz. Simulation proves this method produces less current than that of the residual voltage closing method, and it can meet the demand of inverter power transfer.
Received: 14 September 2021
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