Based on Robust Optimization for Optimization of Reactive Power Planning in Power Grid Containing Wind Farms |
Li Renjie |
Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 410114 |
Abstract Join the voltage more limited punishment costs in the objective function when it has the power grid total network loss cost and reactive power compensation equipment cost, The system to maintain the desired voltage level at the same time achieve the optimal allocation of reactive. After taking into the wind power, Wind power output is a random variable. This paper introduces a robust optimization with box method, Built a model for optimization of reactive power planning in power grid containing Wind Farms. In order to make the model easy to solve, the duality theorem for simplification the model, transforming the uncertain constraints into the certain form. And through the case to verify the feasibility of the model and method .
Received: 26 June 2014
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Li Renjie. Based on Robust Optimization for Optimization of Reactive Power Planning in Power Grid Containing Wind Farms[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2013, 14(5): 28-32.
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