Development and application of three-level monitoring system for oil leakage in substation |
YAN Cheng, CHENG Chuan, LEI Baohui, WANG Liang, LU Kaijie |
Jinhua Power Supply Company, State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co., Ltd, Jinhua, Zhejiang 321000 |
Abstract At present, due to the insufficient capacity of the main transformer accident oil sump, the direct drainage of rainwater pipelines, and lack of manual oil leakage monitoring and control, the oil leakage of the equipment in substation cannot be detected and effectively controlled in time, resulting in that the oil leakage incident is very easy to turn into a bad environmental pollution incident. In response to this hidden danger, the Internet of Things, communication technology and smart sensor technology are widely used to construct a three-level monitoring system for oil leakage in substation. The system has the advantages of simple and reliable technology, high integration of business and popularization. An intelligent oil leakage monitoring device with a bionic fin stabilizing structure is developed. The device can monitor the transformer accident oil drainage system, rainwater system and operating environment in multi-dimensional real-time. And it adopts real-time linkage of automatic butterfly valve and monitoring device to realize intelligent control of oil leakage in substation. It can prevent the occurrence of environmental protection incidents caused by the oil leakage from the substation equipment.
Received: 10 September 2021
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YAN Cheng,CHENG Chuan,LEI Baohui等. Development and application of three-level monitoring system for oil leakage in substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(3): 70-76.
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