Distributed area protection method for direct current distribution network based on GOOSE communication technology |
LI Hui, WU Hai, HU Guo, BAO Baizhou |
NARI Technology Development Limited Company, Nanjing 211106 |
Abstract Aiming at the key technical problem of fast fault identification, location and isolation of multi terminal flexible DC distribution network, based on the fault identification characteristic information of adjacent DC distribution terminal nodes in the distribution network, a distributed area protection method for DC distribution network based on generic object oriented substation event (GOOSE) and other communication modes is proposed to realize the function of fault location and isolation. Firstly, the complex DC distribution network is divided into several finite area units by gridding, and each area unit is an independent fault prediction area. Then, a GOOSE communication based on DC distribution terminal is proposed. In the fault prediction area, the fault location is realized by comparing the band direction current state values of the distribution terminals of the central node and the boundary node, and the fault location is realized by DC distribution terminal circuit breaker. Finally, a three terminal flexible DC grid model is built in real time digital simulation (RTDS), and the simulation results verify the effectiveness and accuracy of the protection scheme under different DC faults and operation conditions.
Received: 22 October 2021
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LI Hui,WU Hai,HU Guo等. Distributed area protection method for direct current distribution network based on GOOSE communication technology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(4): 70-75.
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