Influence of inter-phase distance on parameters of dry-type air-core reactor |
GE Jibin, ZHANG Ning, BIAN Zhenhong, HAO Wenguang, ZHENG Gang |
Beijing Power Equipment Group Co., Ltd, Beijing 102401 |
Abstract The inter-phase distance of dry-type air-core reactor is usually 1.7 times the outer diameter (1.7D). When the installation distance is reduced, the performance parameters of the reactor will be affected due to the change of surrounding magnetic field strength. The relationship between inter-phase distance and performance parameters of horizontally arranged reactors is studied by combining simulation calculation with actual measurement. It is concluded that although the inter-phase distance has an impact on the performance parameters of small reactors in the range of 1.3D to 1.7D, the performance parameters do not exceed the allowable range of the standard.
Received: 10 December 2021
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GE Jibin,ZHANG Ning,BIAN Zhenhong等. Influence of inter-phase distance on parameters of dry-type air-core reactor[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(5): 50-54.
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