Analytical model and design method of magnetic core for wireless power transfer magnetic coupler |
CHEN Yuchen, CHEN Kainan, ZHENG Shuxuan, ZHAO Zhengming |
Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 |
Abstract In this paper, the influence of the thickness of the ferrite core on the inductance of the magnetic coupler with a flat core is studied, and an analytical model of the influence of the thickness of the ferrite core on the inductance is established. Based on the equivalent magnetic circuit division and magnetoresistance calculation of the authors’ team in the previous research, this paper gives the calculation formula of the ferrite core magnetic resistance. The magnetic circuit of the resistance is obtained, and the analytical model of the thickness of the ferrite core on the inductance is obtained. Combined with the coil current, the critical saturation thickness of the ferrite core is calculated, and the design lower limit of the ferrite core thickness is given. The finite element simulation is used for verification, and the model proposed in this paper is in good agreement with the finite element simulation results. According to the model combined with the dual LCC circuit topology, the optimal design is carried out. Finally, a 3.3kW wireless power transmission prototype is made, and its transmission power and efficiency meet the design requirements, which verifies the correctness and applicability of the design optimization method.
Received: 21 March 2022
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CHEN Yuchen,CHEN Kainan,ZHENG Shuxuan等. Analytical model and design method of magnetic core for wireless power transfer magnetic coupler[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(6): 83-92.
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