Research and application of building DC microgrid based on multi port power router |
ZHAO Xianhao1, XIE Hongfu1, LIU Fei1, GU Dongjie2, REN Shuai1 |
1. Anhui Nanrui Jiyuan Power Grid Technology Co.,Ltd,Hefei 230088; 2. Experiment and Verification Center,State Grid Electric Power Research Institute,Nanjing 210061 |
Abstract The growing maturity of power electronics and the wide application of distributed power, energy storage and 5G base station, electric vehicle charging pile, data center, DC household appliances and other DC loads on the user side promote the rapid development of low-voltage DC microgrid. This paper presents a typical topology of DC microgrid based on multi port power router, analyzes its multi port access functions such as photovoltaic, wind power, energy storage, AC power grid and AC/DC load, introduces the protection strategy and grounding mode of DC distribution system, and uses droop control method to coordinate and control photovoltaic, energy storage, AC power grid and load to achieve active power balance according to the change of DC bus voltage. Finally, the building low-voltage DC power distribution system is built to supply power for LED lighting, fan, air conditioner, air purifier, industrial lighting, charging pile, data center and other DC loads in the building. The operation and test results show that the system can realize the plug and play access of source load storage, improve the utilization rate of clean energy, and maintain safe, efficient and reliable operation, with practical push wide application value.
Received: 21 March 2022
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ZHAO Xianhao,XIE Hongfu,LIU Fei等. Research and application of building DC microgrid based on multi port power router[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(8): 75-83.
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