Stress characteristics of catenary cantilever system of high-speed railway under crosswind environment |
YANG Hongmei |
Sichuan Railway College, Chengdu 611937 |
Abstract With the development of China's railway construction to the southwest, northwest and other complex mountainous areas, the impact of strong wind on the catenary cantilever system is attracting more attention. In this paper, the steady aerodynamic characteristics of the cantilever system in the crosswind environment are studied. The aerodynamic model of the cantilever is established by using the computational fluid dynamics method. Reynolds time-mean method is used to simulate the aerodynamic characteristics at different wind speeds. The aerodynamic coefficients of the cantilever are obtained. Finally, the stress and displacement of each components of the cantilever are analyzed in detail, and the key stress positions under different load are obtained. The research results may provide a reference for catenary cantilever selection and parameter optimization.
Received: 05 May 2022
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YANG Hongmei. Stress characteristics of catenary cantilever system of high-speed railway under crosswind environment[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(9): 29-34.
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