Bidding strategy of cascade hydropower plants based on day-ahead electricity price forecasting |
LI Huaqu, HE Peishan, WU Dianning, ZHOU Na |
Kunming Power Exchange Center Co., Ltd, Kunming 650011 |
Abstract Aiming at the high proportion hydropower power market, establishing a reasonable and effective day-ahead quotation strategy of hydropower plants is of great significance to ensure the effective participation of hydropower in the market and promote the consumption of hydropower. Firstly, considering the uncertainty of the clearing price of the system on the operation day, based on the identification of historical similar days, the probability prediction method of day-ahead clearing price is established by using Gaussian process regression. Then, aiming at maximizing the power sales revenue of hydropower plants, the analytical calculation method of the day-ahead subsection capacity quotation of cascade upstream hydropower stations is constructed, and the output coupling model between cascade upstream and downstream hydropower stations is established. Therefore, the biding strategy of downstream power station is obtained based on the output coupling relationship. Finally, the simulation analysis of the day-ahead segmented capacity declaration of the actual cascade hydropower plants verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed bidding strategy. The simulation results show that the proposed method can provide a reasonable auxiliary decision-making reference for hydropower plants to participate in the day-ahead bidding in the high proportion hydropower power market.
Received: 10 May 2022
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LI Huaqu,HE Peishan,WU Dianning等. Bidding strategy of cascade hydropower plants based on day-ahead electricity price forecasting[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(9): 40-47.
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