Steady-state analysis model of single polar ground fault of a hybrid AC/DC distribution system with resistance grounded system |
GAO Bin, ZHAO Jiaqi, WANG Yue |
College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agriculture University, Beijing 100083 |
Abstract When the valve-side commutation transformer is grounded through a resistor in the AC/DC hybrid distribution network, the mechanism of the polar fault is still unclear. This paper proposes a steady-state model for the pole fault of AC/DC distribution network considering the valve-side commutation transformer grounding through resistance. Firstly, according to conduction conditions of a full-bridge inverter, the system operation state after a pole-to-ground fault is analyzed and screened. For each possible system operation state, a multivariate first-order linear differential equation system of the three-phase current is deduced. State rotation segmentation analysis method can be found through numerical simulation thereon. Through an experimental test conducted on the Matlab/Simulink, the validity of the proposed model and solving method is verified, thus providing a theoretical basis for the post-fault steady-state analysis.
Received: 02 June 2022
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GAO Bin,ZHAO Jiaqi,WANG Yue. Steady-state analysis model of single polar ground fault of a hybrid AC/DC distribution system with resistance grounded system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(10): 18-26.
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