Design of non-electricity protection device with integrated thermal engineering function for synchronous condenser |
SUN Zhongmin, ZHANG Xiaoyu, MO Pinhao, ZHENG Chao, GU Qiaogen |
NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract In order to decouple the thermal protection from the distributed control system and further improve the reliability of the thermal protection, it is necessary to transfer the thermal protection function to the non-electricity protection device. A non-electricity protection device for synchronous condenser and transformer with integrated thermal function is designed, which supports thermal and non-electricity input and is compatible with multiple types of signal acquisition. Corresponding protective action elements are designed according to the characteristics of various thermal signals. Finally, the reliability of protection action is further improved by strengthening power monitoring and taking two outputs from three to reduce the risk of protection rejection or misoperation.
Received: 26 May 2022
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SUN Zhongmin,ZHANG Xiaoyu,MO Pinhao等. Design of non-electricity protection device with integrated thermal engineering function for synchronous condenser[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(10): 91-95.
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