Simulation research on conducted voltage method of DC-DC converter in electric vehicle |
LI Jianqun |
GAC Aion New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510000 |
Abstract In this study, a co-simulation analytical method is introduced, which can be used to calculate the conducted noise voltage of DC-DC converter in electric vehicle. The simulation result of this method is in good agreement with the test result in magnitude, trend and peak values, which shows that the method is feasible and practical. This method is especially applicable to the early stage of DC-DC converter development. Only the PCB layout, magnetic core specification, device datasheet and 3D model are required to predict and evaluate the conducted emission of the converter. It is a good method to evaluate the optimization and improvement impacts by adding magnetic core into the full 3D model, or changing the value of the output filter capacitors in the simulation circuit. It provides an important support for the positioning and rectification of component level electromagnetic interference problem of conducted emission in DC-DC converter.
Received: 18 July 2022
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