Analysis of a case of defect of overhead insulated conductors in distribution network based on acoustic and infrared imaging detection technology |
ZHAO Yongjun, LIAO Sheng, YANG Wanrui, WANG Jianlu |
Yunnan Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd, Kunming 650217 |
Abstract Live detection technology can improve the efficiency of inspection of distribution network lines, but the traditional method is mainly based on infrared detection of handheld devices, and the inspection method based on acoustic imaging combined with unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with infrared cameras is rarely used. In this paper, the defect of overhead insulated conductors in distribution network is detected by means of acoustic imaging technology and UAV equipped with infrared cameras, and the detection methods and detection effects are analyzed and summarized. The results show that this technology can detect the local corona discharge defects of overhead insulated conductors in distribution network, and it can be applied in the patrol operation of distribution network. In the follow-up, with the continuous optimization of detection technology, the detection efficiency of distribution network lines can be further improved, providing support for improving the reliability of power supply of the distribution network.
Received: 30 August 2022
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ZHAO Yongjun,LIAO Sheng,YANG Wanrui等. Analysis of a case of defect of overhead insulated conductors in distribution network based on acoustic and infrared imaging detection technology[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(12): 95-99.
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