Optimal design of photovoltaic system for building complex based on SketchUp and PVsyst |
WANG Xingpeng, CHEN Xipu |
Xiamen Electric Power Survey and Design Institute Co., Ltd, Xiamen, Fujian 361009 |
Abstract Taking the roof PV project of a building complex in a leather industrial park in Zhangzhou City as an example, this paper analyzes the solar energy resource of the Meteonorm data. SketchUp is applied to conduct 3D modeling of the industrial park complex, and the shadow blocking area of the obstacles on the buildings in the specified time period is simulated and analyzed. At the same time, the PV module layout scheme is optimized in the three-dimensional scenario of PVsyst, and the simulation is carried out for various structural types of roof to compare and analyze the power generation efficiency and power generation difference.
Received: 30 January 2023
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WANG Xingpeng,CHEN Xipu. Optimal design of photovoltaic system for building complex based on SketchUp and PVsyst[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(3): 52-57.
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